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Weekend Nails:Random line tip

An easy nail design which im sure everyone can do. This is good for those who are just starting out nail arts.

All you need to do is just to put different color of lines to make it look fun!

Bear with me,sweeties, i can't find my tripod the time that i made the tut so the pics look crappy. (-_-")

  • Apply white polish on the upper half of the nails. 
This depends on how long your nails are. The longer it is then the bigger space you'll have.

  • Then choose the colors that you want. 
It's better if you'll go for opaque colors. I decided to use my fimo clays since it's been a while since i get to use it, but feel free to use nail stickers or flower dots on the side.

  • With the thin brush, i applied the lines randomly on the tip of my nails. 
The more random it is, the better! Start with the lighter color first...

Then move on to the darker color as you work along... Make sure that you clean the brush after every color if you are using just 1 brush.

The darkest polishes should be applied last since it's harder to thoroughly remove darker polish on the bristles.

  • Top it off with glitter polish if desired.
 Just to make it fun, apply a design at the side. In my case i use the grapefruit slice fimo clay design.You can put rhinestones, stickers, dots, etc.

Well, see...
Really easy!

 Enjoy your weekend,ladies!

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