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Chinese New Year Nails

So I'm here again with another nail art that I wasn't planning on doing! I have never done my nails for Chinese New Year before, and thought I'd make this year the first and hope that it also fetches myself and my family some good luck, as 2014 hasn't been the best for us so far!!

Painted my nails with one coat of Kate Spade Nails Inc Big Apple Red. I normally do two coats but as this manicure wasn't planned and I need my nails to be dry to put gloves on when I go out, I only did the one coat. Saying that though this polish is good for a one coater.

With flash

Without flash

As is so dull and overcast it was hard to get a good photo. But anyway when this was dry I used Barry M Gold to stamp a pretty floral design from Konad M73.

With flash

Without flash

Outside in the rain!
Not the best of paint jobs, but I'm pleased with how this looks, and the double stamping as the image on the plate is way too small for my nails. It's hard to noticed that they were doubled stamped :)
I hope 2014 is being good to you so far, take care and much love. Thanks for reading and feel free to leave me a comment :)

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