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Royce Da 5'9 Comments on Eminem's Jab at Lady Gaga

On "A Kiss", a track featured on the new EP from Eminem and Royce Da 5'9 (Bad meets Evil), eminem has a line directed at Lady Gaga, where he makes a homophobic remark. Well, that is typical eminem, although he might not really mean to offend the person, but just saying it for shock value. Eminem has been making jokes like this since the beginning  of his career, so this should not be new to anyone. I am starting to suspect him a little...like maybe he is BI or something. Anyway, back to the story- eminem raps "Gaga can quit her job at the post office, but she's still a male lady"- Do you get it? a double enterdre; mail lady...male lady.

This is what Royce had to say about the issue-

"(Eminem) has a great sense of humor. He's been doing that type of thing his whole career. It's one of the things that makes him great. I laughed when I heard it and told him he was crazy. I definitely don't think anyone should take it as an insult." (Billboard)

That's just what i was saying; you can't take eminem serious on an issue like this. He might turn around and do a song with gaga tomorrow. I can remember seeing Elton John playing piano for an eminem performance at the Grammies some years ago; and i was wondering, is this not the same eminem that is always taking jabs at gay people? And it is also funny that Elton John was the one he called when he had the drug problem and John helped him through the rehab process. You can see now why i said i am beginning to suspect eminem.

But on the real, is eminem going to continue being a clown into his 40s? He is going to be 40 next year, and he is still making this kind of jokes. Okay, i am not being hard on him or anything, but i was cool with all these when i was in my teens and early twenties, but...not anymore. I think what keeps me listening to his songs is his delivery, and some times his use of words...his use of words is just incredible, and i think he and royce are just great together. If you don't have the EP...Ooops! It is not officially out, so you shouldn't have it, but i downloaded on some random site i found. Anyway, wait for it to drop on Tuesday, June 14th, and go get it; it is a great EP.

Before i go, i would like to touch on the story that was flying around at some point that Lady Gaga had a penis; can that be true? I don't know, i think it is some kind of ploy to keep people talking about her. Artists have always been known to have their publicist spread funny rumors about them to keep the people talking. You can research that back to when it was rumored that Micheal Jackson slept in a Gas Chamber. But, what ever the case is with gaga, i still love her music and would always do.

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