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Secret Weapon: Dipping Spices

Can I let you in on a little secret in my kitchen? My flavor weapon is DeLallo Dipping Spices. I have probably used them 3-4 times for their assigned purpose, but I've used them 1 million other ways, so much so and for so long that it didn't even occur to me it's maybe not normal. When I hosted a movie night Wine Club, I served up rosemary garlic popcorn and every one was begging to know how I did it. Duh! Dipping spices.

 On Sunday, I whipped up a garlic tomato alfredo and realized I should share my secret! I've made countless pasta dishes/chicken breasts/roasted potatoes with these spices. For the alfredo, I used:

  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1.5 cups of cream (honestly, I eyeball it)
  • My beloved spices to taste
  • 1/2 cup Grated parmesan
  • Sprinkling 2% mozzarella
  • Pasta of choice (I used gemelli)

First, I boiled water for the pasta and once it was close to al dente, I started melting the butter in a skillet on medium high, then added the cream and the garlic/tomato spices and let the mixture reduce down until it was thick enough to coat a spoon. I then added the cheeses and whisked them until my taste test was a solid win.

Once the sauce was ready, I added the pasta and tossed to coat.

And it was delicious!!

So now you know my secret. This wasn't even sponsored; this is just legit trade secrets here, y'all!

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